
New tags are created while assigning it to an article (To learn how to assign tags to an article, click here).

  • While saving a new article, the bottom bar changes temporarily and the  ( Tag ) icon appears on the right. 
  • Click on the “Tag” icon and a text box will appear along with the list of existing tags.
  • Type in the new tag in the space to assign a tag.
  • A tip to “Add new tag” will appear below the text box.
  • Click on that and then click on the  ( Tick ) sign at the top right of the screen.

Note: Tags can be created while assigning them to an article similarly.

  • While saving an article using the Chrome extension, a popup appears at the top right of the screen with two text boxes for “Tags” and “Collections”.
  • Type in the new tag you want to create in the text box for “Tags”.
  • Press enter and then click on “Save” to save the tag.