
  • Click on “eBooks” from the “Library Recommends” section. Or, go to the “eResources” tab, to click on “Database” and find “eBooks – Academic”.
  • Type in the search word on the search bar at the top of the screen to look for your desired book.
  • Scroll down the list of the results and click on the title of the book.
  • Find the “Read Online” and “Download Book” options below the book cover thumbnail.
  • Click on the “Read Online” option to read the book.
  • Close the “search” option by clicking on the cross on the top right of the screen.
  • The pages will appear. Scroll down the pages to continue reading.
  • Click on the “Download Book” option. A popup to “Create Account” or “Sign In” appears.
  • Create an account or login with existing ProQuest Credentials to continue.
  • Next, the popup will ask about your current device. Click on the options relevant to you.
  • Next, it will suggest reader applications. Go ahead and download the application of your choice. Or if you already have the app, click on the “Done with this step”.
  • Finally, it will provide the descriptions of the book and will ask you to select the “Loan Length” (for how many days you want to borrow the book).
  • Once that is done, click on “Download” option on the bottom of the dialog box.
  • A popup will appear. Click on “Open in” and the book will open in the app suggested earlier.