Your MyLOFT account can be created in two ways.

Created by Institute admin/ Library
  • In cases where MyLOFT accounts are created by the Institute admin, you have to contact your library to have your account created.
  • As soon as your account gets created, you will receive a welcome mail in the email id associated with your library (If not found, check in Spam or Promotions folder).
  • For an email based log in, you will find the “Set Password” option to set a password for your MyLOFT account. Use this password later for login.
Sign up by user
  • In cases where users themselves have to sign up for creating a MyLOFT account, open the mobile app or WebApp.
  • Select your institute from the list of options available.
  • You will be directed to the login page. Here you will find the “Sign up” option at the bottom of the page.
  • Click on “Sign up” and fill in the details of your nameemail idset a password and tick the “Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions” checkbox.
  • verification email will reach you in your inbox (If not found, check in Spam or Promotions folder).
  • Click on the “Verify your email” option and a new tab opens.
  • Tick the check box for “Institute Usage Policy” and your account request will be sent to the library admin for account approval to access the library eResources. Meanwhile, you will be logged into the app and can start using it for freely available articles online.